Spiritual Tool Belt Tuesdays

What: On-Going Live and Interactive Classes held on Zoom

When: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each Month

7:00-8:30 PM Central

Do you crave a like-minded community with whom you can have meaningful conversations, safely share experiences, gather knowledge, learn and practice skills, and be honored for walking your unique path?

Those are exactly the reasons I put together this community of individuals at all levels of spiritual growth. It doesn't matter if you're dipping your toe in to check the water, experiencing an awakening, or want to deepen your practice.

What Are Spiritual Tool Belt Tuesdays?

The goal here is to add new tools to our spiritual tool belts and dust off the ones we haven't used in a while so we are better equipped to navigate this human experience.

Some topics will stand alone in a one evening class, while others will require a series of meetings. Most classes will be led by Majona; however, everyone has knowledge to share, so guest speakers are welcome.

Topic examples include: Clearing yourself and your space; crystals; chakras, Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics, healing, mediumship, Angels and Spirit Guides...

We are a relaxed, judgment-free group, so grab a cup of tea and get comfy as we meet to learn, discuss and expand our spiritual understanding and practices, aka our spiritual tool belts.